News Archives

10/01/09 - TunerPro V5 public beta now available!

"Finally," you say! I know, it's been a long time in the making. It's definitely not done, but I've decided that it will never be, so I might as well work on it while you guys use it. Just like the old days!

There are likely a lot of things that will be added and changed over time. I'm still working on this pretty actively (as the build history is testament to), and I still haven't added all the features that I'd hoped to add before going public. As usual, back up your important files frequently, and keep the original V4 files.

Please read the entire beta download page. It contains important information, and it would help me out greatly.

Without further ado, check out the beta!

1/1/11 - TunerPro V5 has been officially released!

It's been a long time in the making, and now TunerPro and TunerPro RT version 5 are available for general release. Check out what's new, and download it here!

1/20/09 - New EmUtility build available

I've just uploaded a new build of EmUtility that addresses some issues with interfacing with the Moates Roadrunner. The utility now properly sets up the hardware, and respects upload address and size alignment rules (the Roadrunner is a 16-bit emulator).

3/16/08 - New TunerPro 4.14 build available

I fixed a couple of minor issues, including the Internet update feature (it now connects correctly), and an issue with the Function item editor.

10/22/07 - New TunerPro 4.14 build available

I fixed an issue that was causing much confusion - the ALDL cable test utility in preferences now works correctly. I also fixed a 3D rendering bug and a couple of other minor bugs in the emulation RAM to file utility.

8/31/07 - Registration keys will not be sent between 9/1 and 9/18 2007

Sorry for the inconvenience. Registrations received during that period will be fulfilled on 9/19.

6/17/07 - New TunerPro 4.14 build available, and new EmUtility build available.

There are lots of fixes in this TunerPro release, including many that I can't remember since it's been so long.

There are 2 main changes in the new Emutility build (1.0.0076.0): There were a number of bugs around large binary support that were fixed, and when choosing large binary, the emulation bank is persisted rather than just temporary. With older builds, as soon as the Ostrich is powered down, it would revert to the previous (potentially non 4-Mbit) bank.

5/14/07 - New EmUtility build

Only one change here that fixes a processor spike while monitoring a file for changes.

8/26/06 - TunerPro 4.14 available

One or two major and lots of minor fixes in this release.

4/11/06 - New utility available for download: EmUtility

EmUtility can be used to emulate using any editor, even notepad or your favorite hex editor! Check it out here.

4/4/06 - The TunerPro web site has a new home! is now the official home of TunerPro. Update your bookmarks! (In case you forget, the old links will still work too). The forum is now at

2/23/06 - TunerPro v4.13.0400 released

A major fix for AutoProm and Translator Pro users is in this build, as well as the addition of audible verification for emulation actions and hardware detection.

2/12/06 - TunerPro v4.13.0360 released

A number of fixes for the Ford and Subaru guys, and a couple that affect the GM folks as well. Check it out in the downloads section!

1/14/06 - TunerPro version 4.13 released!

Complete Ford EECIV/EECV support is included in this release (2 definitions are up in the downloads section of this site).

1/08/06 - Happy New Year! Version 4.13 coming out very soon...

Included in 4.13 is a number of bug fixes and new features, including 3D axis unit labels, FULL Ford support including internal axis definitions with normalizer linking, XDF item copying for rapid definition development. Look for the release in the next few days!

11/27/05 - Version 4.12 released with new 2D/3D graphs and MANY new features!

Finally, after far too long, I've kicked 4.12 out the door. Lots of new features, including brand new graphing controls (with auto-scaling, surface shading, etc). Also included in this release is the long awaited fix to AutoProm 160 baud datalogging (in AutoProm mode, used for simultaneous emulation and logging).

Also added was table smoothing funcionality. Look for it in the Table Editor Toolbox.

Finally, ALDL data tracing was implemented in a rather "infant" form. The included 6E xdf and ads files are already linked. Download a sample ALDL datalog here and check it out!

6/13/05 - New 4.0 RT and Free build (again!)

Build 3472 is now available with a number of fixes and a new feature or two.

5-23-05 - New 4.0 RT and Free Build, new features!

I just uploaded a new build with improved stability, many new table editor features (colored cells, translatable range selection, etc). Check it out!


It's taken me far too long to get 4.0 out the door, but here it is! Long awaited and very much worth the wait!

There are tons of improvements and new features in 4.0, including a new bin definition format (called XDF) that is easily extensible for future improvements, toolbars, ALDL functionality integration into the main editor window, more ALDL monitors, an ALDL dashboard, table range selection and copy/paste, Moates Ostrich emulation bank selection (with proper firmware), improved list sizing, improved Moates Prom I/O interface, and much, much more.

In case you're interested, TunerPro 4.0 is 45,500 lines of raw code (not including comments). And that doesn't include code re-writes and revisions, of which there have been many. Maybe registering wouldn't be so bad? =)

In the interest of getting this thing out, I actually had to cut a lot of features I wanted to get into 4.00 before release. Rest assured, there's much more coming.

Check it out for yourself! Download version 4.0 here!

3-18-05 - My car is up and running again, and, oh yeah, 4.0 beta is publicly available

I finally got my car back together and running strong. Here's the list of mods: Pro Topline Lightning aluminum heads, Comp Pro Magnum 1.52 full roller rockers, ZZ4 cam, Edelbrock double roller timing chain, Hooker 2055 ceramic coated headers and Y-pipe w/ air (we have emmisions testing up here), Magnum tall valve covers, SLP runners, lightly ported plenum. More info here.

Oh, and if you're interested in playing with the TunerPro RT 4.0 beta, go here.

12-23-04 - 3.10b released for Romulator users

This release fixes an issue that prohibits a Romulator with recent firmware from being seen at hardware intialization time. No other changes.

11-02-04 - TunerPro RT 3.10 released

TunerPro RT 3.10 is now available. There aren't many changes this time around, however, I've added support for Craig Moates's new Ostrich emulator. Ostrich support is the main reason for the release. There are no 4.0 features in this release. Expect an update on 4.0 by the end of the month.

8-10-04 - TunerPro and Moates Hardware mentioned in October issue of Chevy High Performance magazine!

If you don't have it, pick up the October issue of CHP and check out the article on DIY performance chip tuning. TunerPro has a few mentions, and Craig Moates is mentioned all over it!

Oh yeah, I'm working hard on TunerPro 4.0. Good things are on the way.

6-27-04 - Making progress on version 4.0 and some site updates

Version 4.0 is coming along nicely. I still have a long way to go, however. There are some exciting user-interface changes that greatly enhance the usability of TunerPro, as well as a bunch of new functionality.

I also uploaded the latest Super_8dm ecu file and added a question or two to the FAQ. Older news items can now be found in the archive (link at the bottom of the news section).

6-06-04 - Version 3.08 released!

Version 3.08 has a couple relatively major fixes for TunerPro RT (specifically related to ALDL lookup tables). TunerPro Free v3.08 has only minor changes.

5-10-04 - Version 3.07 released!

Its finally released! 3.07 has *many* inprovements in both the RT and non-RT flavors, including a brand new, very powerful Hex editor. Check it out!

This will be the last release (pending no major issues that require immediate fixes) until version 4.0. I have a (long, long) list of features to be added to version 4.0, so I expect it to be another few months before it will be available. I think you'll be impressed, though.

5-05-04 - Been a while, but look for a release in the next few days

I took a break for a couple of weeks (not a complete break, mind you) but am back at it. I plan to have a release in the next few days with some new features and fixes (and maybe even a few bugs - the true measure of good, useable, complex software). In this release, among other things, will be a completely new and powerful raw hex editor.

I also uploaded some more 3rd party ECU files and updated the FAQ today.

2-16-04 - TunerPro and TunerPro RT version 3.06 released

Once again, this is a feature-rich release with some new tools including a "difference" tool that makes it very easy to find the differences between two bins. Check it out in the downloads sections.

2-16-04 - Added a few ALDL Datastream Definintion files

Added some ALDL def files to the downloads page. Some come with the application, some are reader contributions.

1-20-04 - TunerPro and TunerPro RT version 3.05 released

There's lots of new stuff and fixes in this release, including 160 baud ALDL support and the ALDL Datastream Definition Editor so you can create your own definition to monitor your vehicle.

12-26-03 - TunerPro and TunerPro RT version 3.04 released

There were a couple critical issues that I broke in 3.03, including emulation in Windows 95/98/Me, and with the table editor. These have been fixed. Also fixed was a list scroll bar issue.

12-21-03 - TunerPro and TunerPro RT version 3.03 released

There are lots of new features, fixes, and improvements in version 3.03. Its been a while since the last release (6 weeks). Hopefully no one thought I've moved on to other things! I've got a great deal on my list of stuff to add for the next version!

11-09-03 - Major bug in TunerPro RT 3.01 and 3.00 fixed in version 3.02

There was a pretty major issue with previous versions of RT having to do with emulation. This has been fixed in 3.02. Please make sure you get the latest version. Many apologies if this confused you or caused problems during tuning!

10-19-03 - TunerPro 3.0 Free Version Released!

I've decided to release the free version of TunerPro ahead of the RT version. Its available in the downloads section of the site. Enjoy!

Also, I'm looking for a few (a dozen or so) people with access to XTronic's Romulator and/or an ALDL cable to help me beta test TunerPro RT. Please contact me if you're interested.

9-29-03 - TunerPro 3.0 Coming Soon

GMECM Edit has been renamed and improved! It is now called TunerPro and is more powerful than ever! Why the new name you ask? Well, GMECM Edit was centered around 3rd gen F-Bodies. Future versions of TunerPro will include support for other makes and models of cars! Since it will no longer be just about GM ECMs, I had to come up with a new name!

I always said that GMECM Edit "is and always will be" free, and I have not altered that spirit with TunerPro. All of the features of GMECM Edit and *more* are included in TunerPro. What's exciting is that I'm offering an enhanced version for real-time tuning called TunerPro RT! In addition to all the features of the free TunerPro, TunerPro RT also includes ALDL data monitoring and Emulation support! TunerPro RT is fully functional with only one registration request per session. I've kept the nagging and price to a minimum and all I ask is that you respect my efforts with a donation!

Stay tuned...



Copyright 2002 - 2012 Mark Mansur