I downloaded the only ads for the $EE PCM that I could find on moates filebin and imported it into scannerpro. I checked the rs232 echo but everytime I try to connect it gets maybe 10 samples and disconnects. I'm using the Moates USB ALDL BTW. Freescan and datamaster are working so I'm sure I have the basics covered. Any ideas? I cant wait to get some of my histos to work..
I just tested ScannerPro with EE over the weekend. It works great, but I had to fix some stuff. There's a new build up on the site. Pull it down and try it. I'll upload a sample definition for EE, too. Look in the definitions section for that (on the ScannerPro site).
TunerPro Author
1989 Trans Am
I just got the beta and I cannot seem to get scanner pro to stay connected to my 94Lt1. I am using a USB ALDL cable which works fine with Tunercat and Datamaster. Any ideas?
i tried that and it did not work. it seems that Tunerpro cannot find my hardware.
26 May.
I went out this morning and tried again. It seems that the software will find my cable fine, but when I plug into the car, I get a "Hardware not found error."