I have a simple custom application running on a Nissan ECU and have tried to get ScannerPro working with it to no avail. When the ECU receives 'L' followed by a CR (0x4C 0x0D) it returns the 16bit (2 byte) RPM. The 'L' and CR are echoed before the RPM is sent.
ScannerPro output shows:
2.285: Command sent. Reply not processed.
2.288: Command sent. Reply not processed.
Here's my ADX file:
<ADXFORMAT version="0.50" />
<!-- Written 05/18/2008 13:25:15 -->
<author>Dave Dunn</author>
<desc>240sx Definition</desc>
<ADXDASHBOARD id="MAINDASH" idhash="0x7A2F048C" title="Main">
<ADXDGENTRY gaugetype="0" itemidhash="0x68DB4366" left="0" top="0" right="30" bottom="50" />
<ADXLISTVIEW id="MAINLIST" idhash="0x7F6896CC" title="Main">
<ADXLVENTRY entrytype="0" itemidhash="0x68DB4366" />
<ADXVALUE id="RPMVAL" idhash="0x68DB4366" title="RPM">
<range low="0.000000" high="8000.000000" />
<alarms low="0.000000" high="8500.000000" />
<MATH equation="x*12.5">
<VAR varID="x" type="native" />
<ADXCSENDCOMMAND id="STARTCMD" idhash="0x15B10877" title="Start Log">
<desc>Starts Logging</desc>
<bytestring size="0x2">0x4C 0x0D </bytestring>
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Custom Nissan ECU Application with ScannerPro !Help!
Moderators: robertisaar, dex
Custom Nissan ECU Application with ScannerPro !Help!
NismotronicSA Tuning Package/Powered by TunerCodeSA
Speed-Density Tuning for Nissans
Speed-Density Tuning for Nissans
Thanks Mark,
Thanks Mark,
NismotronicSA Tuning Package/Powered by TunerCodeSA
Speed-Density Tuning for Nissans
Speed-Density Tuning for Nissans
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Tue Sep 29, 2009 10:44 pm
I'm developing custom firmware for the ECU called TunerCode along with XDF and ADX files for TunerPro V5. If you're not already a member, you might want to join http://www.sr20forum.com/. Details will be available there in the http://www.sr20forum.com/calumsult/ forum soon. My sn there is dfddfd2.
NismotronicSA Tuning Package/Powered by TunerCodeSA
Speed-Density Tuning for Nissans
Speed-Density Tuning for Nissans