economy mode

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economy mode

Post by daveinet »

I'm using a ECM from a '95 GM truck (#16197427). Does this late of ECM still have economy mode available? If so, does any one know how to enable it? Is there a flag that is set when it is enabled? If so, where?
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Post by Mangus »

By economy mode do you mean highway spark and highway fuel? Different masks have these enabled, while others don't. This is a good question to post at in the DIY-PROM forum.
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Re: economy mode

Post by JBIRD1 »

Just learning about my 1995 Chev g30 5.7L TBI 16197427 BNKM with 4L80-E. i found some xdf and bin files $0D and BNKM these have 4L60-E transmissions vs 4L80-E. Not sure where to find correct four files ads,bin,xdf and adl to match my ECU.

I am tracking down a IAC (35) issue and would like to use my PC via USB->OBDI link to see what we can learn in general. TBI is just rebuilt including injectors and IAC. Did the iac calibrate, SES light stayed off and much better performance until i stopped at a long light then the SIS flutters on, but shuts off once we accelerate. On cold restart no SES, but Innova 5512 indicates 35 problem again. suspect bad vacuum device. Once I fix that would like to see about tweaking the 27F512 to improve hill climbing.

Engine is GM Goodwrench rebuilt power train (Engine and transmission) with 25000 miles on it. is anyone working tweaking RV tuning for these old beasts? Amazing how well it ran with the SES light burned out, now I know i have a problem to fix. Hate the idea of drilling out the idle adj.

Thanks for any help, will post what I learn to get feedback.

little follow up.

Used Permatex Right Stuff thin coat on TBI base gasket, Pulled the new IAC, pintel screw was loose, tightened the recaled, hooked up timing light, tac and dwell meter, vacuum was good no leaks, still would not idle correctly. Pulled TBI, removed the idle cap with dremel tool, A-B jumper in, On/Not running for 30 sec, pulled IAC connector, started engine, then in Park tried to set idle but still high, started check the linkage and finally found cruise control mounting bracket was tilted backwards about 4mm,moved it forward until slight slack and retightened, The with IAC still disconnected, was able to adjust idle to 450 rpm via #20 torx. Stopped engine, reattached the IAC connector, now in Park idle is 700, in Drive 590rpm and no more SES light. Learned alot, my thanks to all the contributors.
Last edited by JBIRD1 on Mon Jun 17, 2024 10:25 am, edited 2 times in total.
Andre Chee
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Re: economy mode

Post by Andre Chee »

The '95 GM ECM (#16197427) should still have economy mode available. Usually, enabling it involves changing certain settings or parameters in the ECM's programming. As for the specific flag or parameter location, it might vary depending on the ECM model and the tuning software you're using. I'd recommend checking the ECM documentation or forums specific to GM tuning for detailed guidance.
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