Version 2.01 released

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Version 2.01 released

Post by Mangus »

- fixed improper checksum saving routine - checksum was calc'ed correctly, but saved incorrectly.
- fixed file open/save dialog box function - now cancelling choice does not return a filepath
- Fixed bug where file extension was not being added if user did not append it themselves upon saving.
- Fixed bug where app immediately closes in win98 when saving-as without and extension.
- Fixed crash when handling drag & dropped layout file.
- fixed bug where table didn't always get focus when table editor became active.
- fixed bug where when user is actively editing a cell and the table loses focus, the edit does not complete.
- added "fill w/ Value" to table editor functions
- added Track Bar (Slider) to constant editor - a la TunerC*t.
- added workspace windows-refresh after applying preference changes.
- added bin stacker resizing (required re-arrangement of interface).
- added size error-checking to Bin Stacker layout parameters.
- added status bar to bin stacker for reference of block memlocs and bin offsets
- added Ford bin support in the Bin Stacker at the request of Mr. Moates (56k bins, offset $2000)
- added current cell cursor when table loses focus (good for using table functions so you know what cell you've selected).

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1989 Trans Am