Gauge Alarms Background Colors

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Gauge Alarms Background Colors

Post by bluegizmo83 »

Can you please add an option to change the dashboard gauges background color when a High/Low Alarm is triggered?

Right now you can set an Alarm color on the analog gauges but the color only gets added to the bezel of the gauge in the alarm range. An example of my idea for background color change would be: When you have an analog RPM gauge and your RPMs reach the High Alarm trigger point, the background color of the RPM gauge could change to bright red to really catch your eye like a shift light.

I suppose if your going to have an option for alarm background color you would also need options for alarm text, tick, etc so in cause you want a red background when alarm is trigger, if you have red text or ticks those would need to change color to stay visible during the alarm stage.
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Post by Mangus »

Decent idea, thanks!
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1989 Trans Am
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